Dr. Simpson’s Current Sermon Series


“Relationships; the Building Blocks of Life “

“And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone…”
 Genesis 2:18

God is the Architect of “Relationships.” Everything in life revolves around relationships. It is the will of God that we have good, healthy and loving relationships. The first relationship God established was the Family;
Adam & Eve. “And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone…” Genesis 2:18.

The breakdown of any relationship can be traced to the violation of at least one of the seven
principal areas communication, unity, commitment, love, faithfulness, respect, and trust.

Adam and Eve destroyed the relationship they had with God. And, severely damage the relationship they had with each other when they disobeyed God by eating of the forbidden fruit. It was a violation of their unity
with God; their commitment to God; their love for God; their faithfulness to God; their respect for God;
and their trust in God.

Healthy relationships are built and maintained.  In this sermon series, you will learn how to build healthy relationships;  how to avoid destructive relationships, and how to restore relationships.


Join us weekly on Sundays for this powerful message series entitled; “Relationships; the Building Blocks of Life .”


Sunday @ 11 am
2000 N Polk St